Challenges, Purpose and Objectives

The Pilier Forêt is a Biological Resource Centre at the interface of societal and scientific challenges.

The Pilier Forêt was created to promote and support the preservation and distribution of forest biological resources of interest for research amongst the scientific community.

These forest biological resources make it possible to meet both societal challenges, such as adapting to climate change and maintaining the diversity of forest biological resources, scientific challenges, such as determining the link between phenotype and genotype, understanding the response mechanisms to environmental changes and developing new phenotypes, and technical challenges.

In structuring the Pilier Forêt’s organisation and offer of services, our objective is multifold. It is to safeguard forest biological resources of interest for research, to promote the scientific development of the collections, to improve their visibility and to harmonise the practices of the actors who manage the collections, when it is of interest to do so.